Girls on the lookout, guys on the hunting season trying to find someone who is nothing like their ex. And yet, how do you know that you are actually in love instead of being on the rebound? According to one of the articles that I’ve read, the writer said that, “A rebounder tends to compare his/her current GF/BF with their ex. So, if you are still comparing, this means that you are still in a recovery stage. Stay away from relationship until you have sorted out your feelings. Besides that, rebounders (and those being rebounded on) often refuse to admit it, despite the obvious signs: dreaming about their ex, starting every sentence with X and giving their mind, body and soul over to the very next suitor that gives them the eye”.
In fact the biggest problem of a rebound relationship is that actually only one person is ready for a start. In reality, no one in this world would like to get involved in a relationship that has excess baggage. But God knows how wrong am I to say that?
According to the statistic, more than 50% of men & women would start another relationship (normally in plural) as soon as it end. The rebounders might be in for very selfish reasons: to keep them from loneliness and to boost the broken down self esteem issues. All these are possible for men/women that have been wounded before.
But, is it still possible to have rebound syndrome if YOU are the one who ended the relationship?
Basically, in my opinion even though it’s you who made the decision to end a relationship, subconsciously you may be looking for another relationship to feel cared, loved, or even just to put some space between you and your ex. Thus, it’s possible that the person (who decided to end a relationship) tend to get together with someone else too quickly without having second thought. This might create a big trouble. Why is that so?
You will be too focus on your new partner’s good qualities that your ex don’t have, and tend to overlook your new beau’s flaws. By then, it would be too late to do anything besides to continue walking. Don't look back and move on. This is very dangerous for the rebounder because she/he might be injured again.
So tell me now, would you start a new relationship with someone that still carries excess baggage?