Girl Next Door

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Conflict of Interest

Does it ever work out?

I was chatting with one of my girlfriends over MSN the other day when she suddenly asked me a question, “Can a relationship work out if a couple does not have anything in common?” Apparently, due to this reason, things started to falls apart, conflicts arise, argument occur and they do not have much topics to talk about.

I guess these are all in a package of relationship. Conflict of interests is bound to happen whether you want it or not. Sometimes even when you least expected it. But the key point for a relationship to work out does not depend solely on whether both of you have common of interest at all. This always falls back on how both of you tries to work things out.

Fighting, arguments and conflicts are inevitable. It’s fine to fight once in a while as long as you know how to end the argument properly. In fact, these fighting does wonders in helping to grow the relationship by assisting in the process of understanding the other involved and improving your sex life.

Well, you must be asking, how the heck by fighting with your partner will improve your sex life?

According to Samantha Brett from Sam and the City, “Marrieds, long-termers, co-habitees and newlyweds all know the power of a little squabble. Frustrations are let out, passions rise, temperatures heat up and wham - before you know it, you're butt-naked on the floor having mad, passionate sex”. (wow)

Come to think of it, how can we expect men to have common interest with us when women are from Venus and men are from Mars? Maybe it’s even better that both do not have common of interest where both can start a topic and that’s how the communication comes in. You talk about it. I am not saying that you have to force yourself into your partner’s world. Perhaps you can try to get to know better about his/her interest or at least listen to them when they talk about it. Who knows things will work out perfectly.

Maybe this is what they call opposite attracts! What say you?


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