Girl Next Door

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Can You Buy Love? Take 2

Money may not be able to buy you love but it definitely going to increase your bargaining power to get you into a relationship (not china dolls this time). Or does it?

Many women in today 21st century know what they want and need. Some of them rather stay single if they can’t find someone who is on par with them in term of ambitions, intelligence, lifestyle, drive and knowledge.

So, what do you say about these women? Materialistic? No? Why do they fall for rich men, then? And to be fair, let’s point our fingers to those men out there regardless whether they are young, old, fat or thin, rich or poor. Why do they prefer younger & beautiful women? Ahh…In fact, I remember reading somewhere that there is a scientific explanation on this.

The sociobiologists claimed that women prefer richer men as it will improve the chances of their offspring's survival. And men prefer younger, better-looking women because they're more fertile.

However, the more fun explanations say that women are cleverer than men and know that it's more fun spending money than earning it, and that men like good-looking girls because those younger girls are more fun to be with.

Well, much have been said but I have come to an understanding that money may / may not help you to buy love, but without money this will contribute to relationship break down. Referring to numerous studies, the second biggest reason for a relationship break down, aside from sex, is - surprise, surprise - money.

What do you think?


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