For instant, you met “the one” and you feel that he/she is the love of your life. At the initial stage, there was lust and then transformed to love and responsibilities. The relationship kicks off quickly and everything was perfect. You dated for a while, got engaged, married and you think you will live happily ever after. Hold on, not so fast.
Things will definitely be good in the first few months. However, if you haven’t notice, dating and marriage often comes with ups and downs. It’s in a package. Why? It’s simple; every individual has their own wants and needs. Both parties need to compromise and scarifies and not everyone can do that. The outcome? Boom! Lots of conflicts and arguments.
At some point of a relationship, you will learn a lot of things about your partner that you didn’t see in the first place. He started to learn about your flaws and so did you. Stress started to lash out due to money issues and things started to break. However, there will still be time to love, intimate moments to reconcile and fun night out together.
Few years down the road, you’ll have kids and life gets tougher. You have lesser time to spend together. Somebody has to look after the kids or if both working, the kids have to go to day care centre. Reality bites, mortgage payments, milk powder & diapers bill, utilities bill and etc. Hello? Where are the free times? You cuddle once in a while and sex? Hmmm… according to some sources, sex once a month for married couple will be considered lucky enough (huh?).
Of course marriage life can’t be that bad. You got to see your baby’s first crawl, first word or even first step. In reality, things get harder and harder. So, do you consider you live happily ever after?
There is no fairy tale in real life. People tend to dream there are. Well, tough shit. No, it doesn’t exist. Life is much more unpredictable and complicated. However, it’s the arguments, the fighting, the reconciliations, the making up, the good and bad times that adds up to your life. It’s your decision to call as to whether you want to stay happy or sad, how to resolve issues and to make things work between you and your partner at the end of the day.
The bad news is that to “live happily ever after” is a myth but, the good news is to live your life with your partner to the fullest, reap the rewards from your union and enjoy the ride (regardless good or bad). This is what I called fairy tale in real life.