How to Burn Calories?

In conclusion, it is the combination of regular activity and healthy calories focused eating that will help in achieving a healthy weight. Food provides energy; however, the amount of energy released varies. For your general knowledge, your daily energy requirement is as follows:
Daily energy requirement = current weight in kg x 30 calories = _____calories
The trick to weight control is to consume less than your daily energy requirement and exercise.
Calories are burned during many common activities. The food that you eat is measured in calories and the energy you expend everyday is also measured in calories. Human body use energy all the time even at rest. Therefore the more vigorous and longer you exercise, the more calories you burn.
Heavier person burns more calories than lighter person. Muscle burns more calories than fats. Men have more muscle mass than women. Thus, men are more likely not to gain extra weights.
Therefore, as for women, we need to work our ass off to really make those extra kilos off for good. You would probably know from common sense that metabolism is link to weights. Generally, people would have the perception that slim person’s metabolism high and an overweight person’s metabolism rate is low.
Well, here comes the breaking news. That is not always the case. Metabolism alone doesn’t determine your weights. Like I’ve mentioned earlier, weight is dependent on the balance of calories intake versus calories burn. If you take in more calories than what you need as per the above calculation (approximately) and wallaah! YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHTS.
What is metabolism then? Well, it’s an engine that converts food to energy. The metabolism influences your energy needs but it’s the food intake and physical activity that ultimately determine your weights. So, sisters and brothers, eat wisely, exercise regularly and you will be on your way to a more healthy living.
Happy counting calories!!
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